Is it Fraudulent to Spend Money on Lead Gen Without an ROI?

How to Blow $100,000 on a Lead Generation Campaign

Successful Podcasts' Share Seven Qualities

Six Steps Toward Building a Successful Sales Force

Increase Revenue, Decrease Costs - Download the Free eBook!

If You Work for a Company that Doesn’t Believe in Marketing, Resign

Scoping Qualified Prospects for B2B Lead Generation: Shotgun or Laser?

Why Sales Needs Fewer Leads

From Chaos to Kickass -  Three steps to optimize sales and marketing results.

Reaping the Value of Long-term Leads

We Can Do It Cheaper (and Better) Inside – 5 Reasons Why You Can’t

Why Podcasting Has Great Reach and is the Least Expensive Content Creator

Dear CEO: Fix these three things and increase revenue

Use This Tool to Calculate Lead to Revenue

Five Ways to Grow Revenue (and Lower Cost)

How to Make Forecast If You’re Failing at the Half

Outsourced Tele-prospecting: 10% less cost, 90% more revenue

How to nurture the 70% of tech solution buyers who want help

How Many “Leads” Does $100,000 Buy?

Enhance Sales Momentum

Top 3 Tips on How to Validate, Calibrate Marketing Automation

Who Owns the Pipeline, Marketing or Sales?

The Right Cadence Creates a Lead with a $1 Billion Company

Value selling: Generate leads with prospects who buy value

Why Marketing Management Must Master Deep Digital Analytics

Listen more, talk less … and drive more revenue

Who We Serve. Why it Matters.

What's it take to generate leads that fuel your forecast?

You Can’t Put in What God Left Out … and Other Important Things Learned in Business and Life

What Determines Cost Per Lead

Beyond Cadence—The Importance of All Outcomes

The Perfect Lead

Jill Konrath Reveals How She Overcomes a Problem by Reframing It

Leads are Hard 

How Much Leads Cost

5,000 Marketing Technology Tools (and Sales Execs Still Need to Find Over Half of Their Own Leads)

For Higher B2B Sales Don’t Just Scrub Your Data

Congratulations to PointClear’s Kimmy Netterville: Named Most Inspiring by SLMA

How Not to Buy Leads

Why Don’t Companies Want to Talk to Anyone?

How to Fix a Sales Forecast Killer

9 Ways to Crush Your Sales Goals in 2018/Infographic

Marketing and Sales Alignment—Still Conversation Worthy in 2017

B2B Sales Lead Generation Pros Who Listen, Learn

Cadence—Multi-touch, Multi-media, Multi-cycle Marketing Multiplies Results

6 Things Good Lead Generation Companies Do Right (That You May Be Doing Wrong)

Vote for Kimmy Netterville, an inspired sales lead management leader

Why would a company ever outsource anything?

Chairs are Dead—and Other B2B Marketing Hogwash

Lists and the Rest of the Story

Is it better to in-source or outsource sales lead generation?

How much does outsourced lead generation cost (vs. keeping it in house)?

How many leads must you create to achieve sales forecasts?

Prevent Defense or Permit Offense? What a Football Argument Has to Do with B2B Sales Lead Generation

Dear CEO: Find out how well your team is nurturing its B2B sales leads

Q4 Does Not Mean Wait Until 2018

If You Don’t Have a Sales Lead Management Process You’ll Fail

Why Buyers Buy

Four Reasons for Quota Failures

Two Truths and a Lie

What Percent of Leads Should Sales Close?

Scheduling an Appointment With an "Uncloseable"

Embarking on a sales lead generation project: What could go wrong?

Salespeople Must Accelerate Response or Fail

5 (doable) ways to drive revenue growth now

Is Lead Flow to the Reps Too Slow or Gridlocked?

Persistence Pays—How 42 Lead Qualification Touchpoints Won a $1 Billion Deal

PointClear Blog Named to Top 50 by Top Sales World

We're entering the era of accountability in sales and marketing

What Should the Sales Close Rate Be?

Looking to enhance sales lead performance? Put process before technology.

Sales Lead Generation: Saving Money – Killing Performance

Is AI impacting Inside Sales Rep Revenue? Mike Plante of InsideSales Says it Is.

Marketers: Are You Preparing to Take the Summer Off?

Insights on Outbound Conference in Atlanta

Desperate and Fearful: Need Pipeline – Want Sales Lead Generation

Five Ways to Avoid Getting Burned by Outsourced B2B Sales Lead Generation

Why Measuring Success on Cost Per Lead is a Huge Mistake

How to Leave Voicemails that Generate Results

How to Diagnose if Inbounditis is Killing Your Sales Pipeline

How to Establish a Meaningful Lead Definition

Expert Panel’s Feedback on Our Lead to Revenue Calculator

Proof that Account-based Marketing Works

Our AE’s Would NEVER Have Been Persistent Enough to Uncover This Opportunity

5 Steps to Account-based Marketing Success

B2B ABM: Seven Sales & Marketing Tips for 2017 - Tip #7: From Chaos to Kickass

B2B ABM: Seven Sales & Marketing Tips for 2017 - Tip #6: Nurturing Triples Marketing’s Return

B2B ABM: Seven Sales & Marketing Tips for 2017 - Tip #5: Should You Buy Real Leads or Appearances?

B2B ABM: Seven Sales & Marketing Tips for 2017 - Tip #4: How Much Should Leads Cost?

B2B ABM: Seven Sales & Marketing Tips for 2017 - Tip #3 Should Marketing Be All In On Inbound?

B2B ABM: Seven Sales & Marketing Tips for 2017 - Tip #2 Should Marketing and Sales Agree on the Definition of a Lead?

B2B ABM: Seven Sales & Marketing Tips for 2017 - Tip #1: Should you leave a Voicemail?

The Flavors That "Sales Ready" Leads Come In

Dear CEO: The Era of Accountability Starts in 2017

How to Refine Your Sales Methodology

A Podcast Interview With Andy Paul on  Accelerate!

Gold Calling vs. Cold Calling

Seven Ideas to Increase Sales (Reading time: Five minutes or Less)

Like Leaving Flour Out of a Cake

Bubble in the Funnel

What Percentage of Marketing Leads Should Be Accepted by Sales?

PipeLiner CRM #SalesChats Webinar on Prospecting

Database Clean-Up: How to Avoid Blowing a Lot of Money and Your Career!

Three “Lies” That Plague B2B Businesses Today (Part Three of Three)

Three “Lies” That Plague B2B Businesses Today (Part Two of Three)

Three “Lies” That Plague B2B Businesses Today (Part One of Three)

B2B Lead Gen: Can you do it cheaper and better inside?

Is Your Funnel Full of Fool's Gold?

Marketing is More than Automation

Why Cost per Lead is a Bad Way to Measure Your Return on Lead Generation Efforts

Long-Term Leads Demand Attention Now

What Does “Full Funnel Marketing” Really Mean?

How to Avoid Wasting 75% of Your Marketing Spend

A Multi-Touch, Multi-Media, Multi-Cycle Strategy Multiplies Results

Questions to Ask Before Investing in Lead Generation

What is the Minimum Acceptable Close Rate on Leads?

Q&A With Dave Stein and Steve Andersen

Is Anyone Leading Lead Management?

The Whole Truth - Why CEOs Need to Know What Makes Sales and Marketing Click

Does Your Sales Team Know How to Follow-Up on a Lead?

Lead Nurturing: Triple Your Marketing Return

Put A Judicial Branch In Place to Eliminate Wasted Leads

How Much Do Your Leads Cost?

Marketing Needs to Put Skin in the Game

An Allbound Marketing Approach Closes Your Revenue Gaps

What Do You Sell, Who Do You Sell It To and Why Everyone Has to Have The Same Answer

7 Truths About Sales and Marketing (That CEOs Need to Know - Part 1)

4 Revenue Sources Most ROI Calculators Miss (Part 2 of 2)

4 Revenue Sources Most ROI Calculators Miss (Part 1 of 2)

The Key to Filling in Your Revenue Gap

How the CEO Can Enhance Sales, Marketing, and the Executive Branch

Is Your Lead Generation Strategy Broken?

The #1 Reason CEOs Should Care About Lead Generation

How to Turn Sales Leads into Revenue, Not Just Work

4 Things a CMO Should Do to Build Their Marketing Dream Team (Part Two)

4 Things a CMO Should Do to Build Their Marketing Dream Team (Part One)

Marketing and Sales: Done Well (2015) Do Better (2016) - Part 3 of 3

Marketing and Sales: Done Well (2015) Do Better (2016) - Part 2 of 3

There is Little Social in Social Selling

Marketing and Sales: Done Well (2015) Do Better (2016) - Part 1 of 3

11 Lead Generation Buzzwords That Need to Go Away in 2016

Exposing the Cause of Under Performing Sales Teams with Mike Weinberg (Part 2 of 2)

Exposing the Cause of Under Performing Sales Teams with Mike Weinberg (Part 1 of 2)

What is a Lead Generation Company?

12 Days of a B2B Sales & Marketing Christmas

5 Marketing Trends That Will Take Off in 2016

5 Reasons Why PointClear Could Be Your Dream Employer

Announcing our New Look!

To Manage Sales You Must Manage Sales Leads

Is Account-Based Marketing the Holy Grail for Lead Generation Nirvana? [PowerOpinions Part 5]

Is Account-Based Marketing the Holy Grail for Lead Generation Nirvana? [PowerOpinions Part 4]

Is Account-Based Marketing the Holy Grail for Lead Generation Nirvana? [PowerOpinions Part 3]

Is Account-Based Marketing the Holy Grail for Lead Generation Nirvana? [PowerOpinions Part 2]

Is Account-Based Marketing the Holy Grail for Lead Generation Nirvana? [PowerOpinions Part 1]

Are You Building a Company or Just Laying “Marketing Brick”?

Make Better Data-driven Marketing Decisions

The Why, What & How of a Lead-to-Revenue Assessment, Part 2 - The How

The Why, What & How of a Lead-to-Revenue Assessment, Part 1 - The Why & What

Follow the Money: The Primary Responsibility for CMOs

"Marketing is too important to be left to marketers."

The sales rep said, “I never got a lead yet that turned into a sale.”

PowerOpinions: Making Lead Scoring a Success Part 3 [Expert Advice]

PowerOpinions: Making Lead Scoring a Success Part 2 [Expert Advice]

PowerOpinions: Making Lead Scoring a Success Part 1 [Expert Advice]

Status quo, you know, is Latin for 'the mess we're in.'

Most Market Share Battles Are Lost, Not Won

The Quest for Good Leads: Are You Asking the Right Questions?

How to Set Your Outsourced Lead Generation Program Up for Success (pt 3)

How to Set Your Outsourced Lead Generation Program Up for Success (pt 2)

How to Set Your Outsourced Lead Generation Program Up for Success (pt 1)

Changing the Sales Conversation [PowerViews LIVE Highlights]

Dead is Dead! (At Least in Sales and Marketing)

When One Out of Ten is an Abject Marketing Program Failure

The Skinny on Lead Nurturing - 11 Experts Weigh In (part 2 of 2)

The Skinny on Lead Nurturing - 11 Experts Weigh In (part 1 of 2)

3 Steps for Effective Sales Lead Follow Up (none are the Hail Mary)

My Favorite 'John Wayne' Thoughts for Marketers and Salespeople

What it Takes to be a Sales & Marketing Thought Leader [PowerViews LIVE Highlights]

Sales Lead Management Leads to a Lower Cost of Sales

2015 Horoscope for Sales Executives: from Danmac the Magnificent

4 Tips to Power Up Prospecting in 2015: #4 Use the Telephone!

4 Tips to Power Up Prospecting in 2015: #3 Sharpen Your Story!

4 Tips to Power Up Prospecting in 2015: #2 Commit to It!

4 Tips to Power Up Prospecting in 2015: #1 Believe it Works!

Where is Marketing Going ... and Growing ... in 2015? [PowerViews LIVE Highlights]

"New Sales. Simplified." A Must-Read!

When Bad Things Happen to Good Leads - Part 5

When Bad Things Happen to Good Leads - Part 4

When Bad Things Happen to Good Leads - Part 3

When Bad Things Happen to Good Leads - Part 2

When Bad Things Happen to Good Leads - Part 1

Sales Lead Management Leads to the Most Efficient Media Buy

Why Social Media Doesn't Work [PowerViews LIVE Highlights]

Factoring Psychographics into the Buying Process [PowerViews LIVE Highlights]

Time to Stop Making Sales & Marketing Excuses in 2015

7 Tips to Jump Start Your Life from Todd Schnick's Live the Intrepid Life

Pipeline Priorities: Don’t Leave Potential Customers Flapping in the Wind

Digital Relevance: Developing Marketing Content and Strategies that Drive Results

Stunning Study Reveals How to Increase Sales by 29-49%

8 Ways to Motivate Salespeople to Follow Up Inquiries

Revenue - Inbound - Nurturing = The GAP. We guarantee you'll be surprised by your actual metrics. Try our Lead Revenue Calculator
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How Much Leads Cost

I review a lot of content on this topic and am amazed at what I find written about lead cost. For example:

What Should the Sales Close Rate Be?

I’ve read and heard (from a well-known industry analyst firm) that best-in-class companies close 30% of sales qualified leads..

Gold Calling vs. Cold Calling

I've written many blog posts on the fact that cold calling isn't dead. In fact, doing the right amount of research, adding a..

Outbound vs. Inbound: The Risk Management Issue in the Complex Sale

Companies providing complex, high-investment solutions are facing a significant risk management issue in light of Sirius..