Desperate and Fearful: Need Pipeline – Want Sales Lead Generation

Last week I published a blog that provided five ways to avoid getting burned by outsourced B2B sales lead generation, qualification and nurturing. You can read the blog here.

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Mike Kamo on Apr 10, 2014 7:26:00 AM

Tags: Sales Process, B2B Sales, Increase Sales, Guest Blogs


Sales Suffer When You Pick Bad Times to Contact Prospects

In the digital age, more and more communication takes place via email and text messaging, but a person-to-person conversation is still the most engaging way to contact a prospect and convert him into a customer. If..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Apr 7, 2014 8:46:00 AM

Tags: Sales Process, Lead Nurturing, Increase Sales, Sales Leads, PowerViews


PowerViews with James Obermayer: Sales Managers To Blame For Lost Leads

My longtime friend and colleague James Obermayer has strong feelings about who is responsible for lost leads among salespeople. Jim, who is principal of a California-based sales and marketing consulting firm Sales..

Lead Generation Specialist

PowerViews with Chris Tratar: Execs Need to Support ‘Sales-First’ Culture

Everyone in sales recognizes that there is an unfortunate gap between marketing automation and customer relationship management (CRM). When 80 percent of marketing-qualified leads fail to convert into sales-qualified..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Nov 5, 2013 8:41:00 AM

Tags: Lead Qualification, Increase Sales, Sales Leads, Marketing ROI, PowerMinute


PowerMinute: [Video] Take Sales from Chaos to Kickass

Too often, sales leads are dropped and business isn’t closed. 70-94% of all leads generated are ignored by sales reps because few leads sent to sales are sales-qualified. In all this marketing and sales chaos, little..

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How Much Leads Cost

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What Should the Sales Close Rate Be?

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