Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Jun 4, 2018 2:03:19 PM

Tags: B2B Telemarketing

1 Comment

Outsourced Tele-prospecting: 10% less cost, 90% more revenue

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Oct 31, 2017 11:29:20 AM

Tags: B2B Telemarketing


Why would a company ever outsource anything?

“… because teams of talented operators have already demonstrated excellence in a specialized task or function, and it’s easier or cheaper to tap those teams than to create new teams of your own.”

Is Lead Flow to the Reps Too Slow or Gridlocked?

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Jun 9, 2017 9:41:32 AM

Tags: B2B Telemarketing, B2B Sales, Increase Sales


Persistence Pays—How 42 Lead Qualification Touchpoints Won a $1 Billion Deal

PointClear is known for its perseverance. While some sales people stop after placing one or two calls (if they don’t get the prospect on the phone or don’t get a call back, they deem the lead no good) our sales support..

Desperate and Fearful: Need Pipeline – Want Sales Lead Generation

Last week I published a blog that provided five ways to avoid getting burned by outsourced B2B sales lead generation, qualification and nurturing. You can read the blog here.

Revenue - Inbound - Nurturing = The GAP. We guarantee you'll be surprised by your actual metrics. Try our Lead Revenue Calculator
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