Lead Generation Specialist

Looking to enhance sales lead performance? Put process before technology.

When it comes time to exploring how you can increase lead generation ROI, that is, produce better leads more cost effectively, move "technology" to the bottom your to-do list. Technology is great at automating best..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Apr 19, 2017 5:05:52 PM

Tags: B2B Sales, Outbound Marketing, Cold Calling


Insights on Outbound Conference in Atlanta

On April 13, 2017, I attended the #OutBound conference in Atlanta, GA. Remarkably, despite the road destruction in downtown Atlanta, everyone got there on time – about 400 attendees. The event was held at the Hotel..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Mar 24, 2015 12:27:00 PM

Tags: Prospect Development, Outbound Marketing


4 Tips to Power Up Prospecting in 2015: #1 Believe it Works!

Earlier this year I sat in on the 2015 Virtual Sales Kickoff hosted by my friend S. Anthony Iannarino (along with Jeb Blount). I was particularly impressed with the first speaker Mike Weinberg—sales coach, consultant,..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Mar 13, 2014 7:48:00 AM

Tags: B2B Marketing, Inside Sales, B2B Sales, PowerViews, Outbound Marketing

1 Comment

Youth, Lead Quality, Social Selling, Inside Sales and Outbound Marketing

Each quarter I review my recent PowerViews shows and select one outstanding talking point from each expert (five this past quarter) who joined me. Their comments will surprise and enlighten you.

The interviews are..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Ruth P. Stevens on Dec 17, 2013 8:38:00 AM

Tags: B2B Marketing, Database Marketing, Outbound Marketing

1 Comment

B2B Prospecting Data Just Keeps Getting Better

The most reliable and scalable approach to finding new B2B customers is outbound communications, whether by mail, phone or email, to potential prospects, using rented or purchased lists. B2B marketers typically select..

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How Much Leads Cost

I review a lot of content on this topic and am amazed at what I find written about lead cost. For example:

What Should the Sales Close Rate Be?

I’ve read and heard (from a well-known industry analyst firm) that best-in-class companies close 30% of sales qualified leads..

Gold Calling vs. Cold Calling

I've written many blog posts on the fact that cold calling isn't dead. In fact, doing the right amount of research, adding a..

Outbound vs. Inbound: The Risk Management Issue in the Complex Sale

Companies providing complex, high-investment solutions are facing a significant risk management issue in light of Sirius..