Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Britton Monasco on Jun 26, 2012 7:57:00 AM

Tags: Inside Sales, B2B Sales, Guest Blogs


Are We Playing Hunger Games? Key Questions Confronting Inside Sales

Britton Manasco is a principal with Manasco Marketing Partners. His new firm, which specializes in strategic positioning and provocative sales messaging, is called Visible Impact. You can reach him at..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Apr 10, 2012 1:33:00 PM

Tags: Lead Generation, Inside Sales, Sales Process, B2B Sales, Sales Leads, PowerViews


PowerViews with Jonathan Farrington: Stay Focused

I’m really pleased to introduce you to PowerViews, a new series of Q&A video interviews that are all about providing solutions to the marketing and sales challenges we face today.

It’s an honor for me to have as my..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Tony Jaros on Aug 1, 2011 10:15:00 AM

Tags: Inside Sales, Lead Management


Lead Management: Let’s Formalize this Relationship

Today's guest blogger, Tony Jaros, is Senior Vice President of Research at SiriusDecisions. As a sales and marketing thought leader with nearly 20 years experience, Tony has led the overall research function at..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Mar 31, 2011 9:45:00 AM

Tags: Lead Generation, Inside Sales, Prospect Development, Lead Management


Buckle Up! Sales Reps Share Perceptions of Marketing-Generated Leads

A new eBook reports on sales rep perceptions of marketing-generated leads, and the findings run from surprising to shocking to downright scary.

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Trish Bertuzzi on Jan 11, 2011 10:08:00 AM

Tags: Inside Sales


10 Inside Sales Predictions for 2011

Comment on The Bridge Group's ten predictions for inside sales in 2011. Trish Bertuzzi and Laurie Page start the new year off with some surprising predictions.

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How Much Leads Cost

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What Should the Sales Close Rate Be?

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