Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Nov 29, 2016 7:50:00 AM

Tags: Lead Generation, Sales Leads


Dear CEO: The Era of Accountability Starts in 2017

(Photo Courtesy of Kenny Madden)

This cartoon was sent to me in response to a blog I wrote a couple of weeks ago. I just love the simplicity of it; not to mention that it absolutely captures what is wrong with marketing..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Nov 17, 2016 12:16:57 PM

Tags: Lead Generation, Lead Qualification


How to Refine Your Sales Methodology

Bob Apollo from Inflexion-Point Strategy Partners recently sent me three whitepapers to review and comment on. I thought all three were excellent, but due to my background in, and passion about, lead qualification, that..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Guest Blogger on Aug 30, 2016 2:30:00 PM

Tags: B2B Telemarketing, Lead Generation, B2B Marketing, Inside Sales

1 Comment

B2B Lead Gen: Can you do it cheaper and better inside?

As a business-to-business marketing or sales leader you have numerous options for lead generation tactics and tools. Top choices include teleprospecting, direct marketing, search engine marketing, website, and trade..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Aug 11, 2016 11:30:00 AM

Tags: Lead Generation, Cost Per Lead

1 Comment

Why Cost per Lead is a Bad Way to Measure Your Return on Lead Generation Efforts

Shifting to Outcome-based Accountability and Revenue Metrics

While cost-per-lead measurement has been the de facto favorite for evaluating marketing programs, we are seeing radical and positive shifts in how marketing..

Lead Generation Specialist

Posted by Dan McDade on Jul 7, 2016 10:45:00 PM

Tags: Lead Generation, Lead Management, Cost Per Lead


Questions to Ask Before Investing in Lead Generation

About this time of the year we start to receive calls from prospects wishing to start new lead generation projects ASAP. It happens every year. Our ramp up time for a new program is about four weeks. When prospects hear..

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How Much Leads Cost

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What Should the Sales Close Rate Be?

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Gold Calling vs. Cold Calling

I've written many blog posts on the fact that cold calling isn't dead. In fact, doing the right amount of research, adding a..

Outbound vs. Inbound: The Risk Management Issue in the Complex Sale

Companies providing complex, high-investment solutions are facing a significant risk management issue in light of Sirius..