PowerViews with Kyle Porter: How Can You Sell If You’re Always On?

Posted by Dan McDade

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on Oct 29, 2013 8:15:00 AM

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I’m a follower of SalesLoft, where Kyle Porter and his team consistently produce a phenomenal list of targeted leads. So...how do they help people generate a higher response from clients and customers than many other companies?

Kyle and his team export custom lists of leads directly from LinkedIn, and alert customers when big events happen with their critical clients and prospects. Has one of your prospects changed jobs? SalesLoft lets you know, which makes you a smarter salesperson and opens you up to more deals.

More than 9,000 professionals are using SalesLoft today. They’re on social media so that you don’t always have to be. Here are some highlights from my talk with Kyle, who incidentally grows tangerines in his spare time.

Inbound Leads Suck and Cold-Calling is Dead

Click to start video at this point—I kidded Kyle about this comment, which he’d made in a previous article. He admits the remark was akin to “link bait” and he hoped it would be inflammatory enough to drive traffic. But he didn’t completely disown it, either.

There’s no silver bullet in sales, he said, but one of the biggest mistakes people make is to create contenta blog, a slideshow, a video interviewand not share it wisely and effectively on social media. If you write a column that purports to contain the Rosetta Stone of 21st century marketing, you can’t just sit back and wait for the traffic to flow into your site. You need to steer people to it.

Serve Others Before You Serve Yourself

Click to start video at this pointIt’s easy to imagine that Twitter and LinkedIn are the best places to sell yourself, but you should offer to serve others first, Kyle says.

If you demonstrate to others that you can fulfill one of their needs, then they’ll be genuinely interested in you. You might have a shiny resume with all kinds of impressive job listings, but those are only attractive to headhunters. People who are interested in sales want concrete leads, so demonstrate to them via your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles that you’re someone worth connecting to.

Don’t Always Be On

Click to start video at this pointIt’s tempting to open LinkedIn and Twitter and be on them all day long, but how much work can you hope to accomplish if you’re always chasing leads? Kyle recommends that you go online just a few times a day. In the meantime, allow the information you’ll want to peruse to condense.

You can connect with Kyle and learn more about SalesLoft via the following resources:

Kyle Porter



Website: www.salesloft.com





The next PowerViews will be with Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing. Stay Tuned.

By Dan McDade

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Topics: B2B Sales, Sales Leads, PowerViews, Social Media

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