Two Encouraging Lead Generation Trends in July 2010 Report

Posted by Dan McDade

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on Aug 5, 2010 9:47:00 AM

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Two encouraging lead generation trends were reported in a July 16 blog by Barry Trailer, managing partner at CSO Insights, in which he announced the availability of CSO Insight’s 2010 Lead Generation Optimization Report based on surveys of over 600 companies (1/3 in technology, 1/3 in services and 1/3 in manufacturing / non-tech / other).

Two findings are particularly great news: nearly three-quarters of surveyed firms are increasing their marketing budgets, and the number of firms tracking marketing ROI has reached a new high watermark.

Regarding marketing budgets, Barry referenced survey findings to compare last year to this year:


“Sixty-seven percent had frozen or reduced their marketing budgets.”


“Seventy-two percent of firms are increasing their marketing budgets.”

It’s good to see this type of movement in best marketing strategies to increase sales: away from cutting costs and toward marketing investment.

Barry also commented on the increase in companies tracking marketing ROI:

“For the first time in the seven years of this report, a slim majority (51%) of firms responding now track the ROI of their marketing campaigns.”

He added that the top three metrics used for evaluating lead generation programs were number of leads per campaign, number of leads converting to sales opportunities and revenue closed from opportunities.

It’s also good to see movement in marketing measurement best practices: away from cost per lead and toward a focus on conversion rates and ultimate revenue generated.

I’d be interested to hear what’s happening at your company around this dynamic duo of lead generation, marketing investment on the front end and marketing measurement on the back end.


By Dan McDade

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Topics: Lead Generation, Lead Management, Increase Sales, Marketing ROI

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