Online content in the sales and marketing industries is constantly changing. The Marketing Sphere represents recent good reads from our digital circles about B2B marketing selected by PointClear colleagues.
High Performance Marketing: It’s Not What You Think
Every CMO wants a high-performance marketing team. If you have high click-through rates and an abundance of leads being routed to sales, then you’re achieving that right? Maybe not. In a recent webcast, Jay Gaines, vice president and group director at SiriusDecisions, shared the keys to a high-performance team. Contrary to popular belief they weren’t defined by metrics that are at the top of most marketers lists. Via SiriusDecisions
3 Important Lessons for Marketers from Google’s CIO
In a recent blog post on the Harvard Business Review blog, Google’s CIO, Ben Fried, talked about how he tackles the challenges of the constantly changing IT industry. His approach can be applied to marketers and are valuable reminders of what differentiates mediocre marketing from great marketing. Via
Content Marketing Strategy: Lessons from Good (and Bad) Comedy
The buzz around content marketing and B2B Prospecting has most marketers racing to keep up with demand. While marketers may be able to create new content rapidly, does it accomplish what it should—position you as a leader in your industry and generate quality leads? Practice the tactics outlined in this article to create a solid content strategy. You will have a greater chance of standing out from the crowd and becoming the forerunner in your industry. Via Content Marketing Institute
It’s human nature to want to cling to the familiar. It’s comfortable. Change on the other hand can be a challenge. We’re out of our comfort zone. Another way to look at change, however, is as an opportunity for continuous improvement and learning—a chance to refine, improve and adapt—this can help you recognize when change is needed and implement it. Via Partners in EXCELLENCE
Do you have a resource from your sphere to share? Let us know in the comment section.
Topics: B2B Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Inbound Marketing