Good Reads for B2B Marketing - 6 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2013

Posted by Guest Blogger on Jul 25, 2013 7:14:00 AM

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Marketing Sphere: Good Reads in B2B Marketing from PointClear
Online content in the sales and marketing industries is constantly changing. The
Marketing Sphere represents recent good reads from our digital circles about B2B marketing selected by PointClear colleagues.


Running A Successful Business Blog: Why It Pays to Post

Anthony Iannarino, founder of the popular blog The Sales Blog, shares his knowledge on how to create and maintain a successful blog that will drive traffic to your site and generate more leads. Learn why Anothony says his blog is "an outstanding ROI." Via OpenView Labs

6 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2013: New Research

Do you know how media fragmentation works and how to engage consumers across multiple channels and devices? These are just a couple of things the latest trends indicate marketers need to be doing in order to maximize value for their brand. Via Social Media Examiner

The B2B Funnel is still alive, well, and living on the beach in the Bahamas: Madlibs #2 w/ @Funnelholic

You may be familiar with the B2B Madlibs series on Funnelholic this year. It’s been a fun take on B2B sales and marketing with candid input from leaders in our industry. The current Madlibs is from Craig Rosenberg himself with a focus on marketing. Enjoy! Via Funnelholic

The Five Cs of a Successful Blog

While blogging is fun, it's also a lot of work. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned blogger these five components are an essential part of a successful blog strategy. Are you implementing all of them? Via Feedblitz

Do you have a resource from your sphere to share? Let us know in the comment section.

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Topics: B2B Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Inbound Marketing

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