Tailwinds for Marketing Automation Software

Posted by Dan McDade

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on Nov 18, 2010 8:40:00 AM

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Marketing automation is one of the fastest growing segments in the CRM market. It wasn't that long ago that people weren't even sure what marketing automation was. Now, marketing teams are aggresively seeking out these systems. Clearly, the marketing automation industry has a strong tailwind at its back. So where is this tailwind coming from?

The B2B sales environment has changed drastically with the introduction of the Internet to the personal and business space. Companies are finding that it is increasingly challenging to reach potential prospects, and they are changing their sales and marketing tactics in order to cope. There are several specific trends that are driving the adoption of marketing automation, making it an essential addition to any organization.

Software Advice, a free online resource for software buyers, outlines seven macro trends that they believe are pushing the growth of marketing automation. You can view them on their blog here

Software Advice

By Dan McDade

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Topics: Marketing Strategy, Inbound Marketing

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