Sales Lead Management Association Launches Live Talk Radio Program

Posted by Dan McDade

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on Jul 26, 2010 2:51:00 PM

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I have exciting news to share. We’re proud to be a sponsor of the Sales Lead Management Association, and it gives me great pleasure to let you know about the July 29th premiere broadcast of SLMA Radio in which I’ll be interviewed along with Phil Fernandez, CEO of Marketo.

SLMA Radio programs will include recent industry news as well as interviews with B2B and B2C industry leaders who will share expertise in areas like lead generation, inquiry management, CRM and marketing automation.

Commenting on the format in a July 20th release, James W. Obermayer, SLMA executive director, said:

"Well-known radio commentator Will Crist will be our host and interviewer. We'll cover recent industry news and interviews with business leaders. This is not simply blog radio or a podcast; it's the new live web radio with all of the quality you expect from a professional radio program."

And noting that membership is not required for listening, SLMA vice president of marketing, Sue Campanale, added:

"This show is open to SLMA members and non-members alike; anyone interested may listen in. Recorded broadcasts will also be archived on the SLMA site."

SLMA Radio will kick off with the following 50-minute shows that start broadcasting Thursday, July 29th, and listeners can connect via the SLMA Radio section of the SLMA website:

Program 1: Thursday, July 29, 5 pm PST

  • Dan McDade, CEO of PointClear
  • Phil Fernandez, CEO of Marketo

Program 2: Thursday, August 12, 5 pm PST

  • Gary Slack, Chairman and CEO of Slack Barshinger and Chairman of the Business Marketing Association
  • Andy Brownell, CMO of LeadMaster

Program 3: Thursday, August 26, 5 pm PST

  • Mac McIntosh, President of Mac McIntosh, Inc.
  • Joseph Payne, CEO of Eloqua

I’ll share comments presented during the July 29th program in a future blog post.

SLMA Radio

By Dan McDade

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